centralONE – our solution

Data Management

With our data management solution, we open up unprecedented data processing possibilities for enterprises, healthcare facilities, research institutes, and HPC data centers – from source to AI/KI and metadata management to optimized retention and security strategy.
We are also specialists in infrastructure for large and largest environments.

Our data management solution to connect all source systems and modalities regardless of the file system used (SMB, CIF/NFS, GPFS, Lustre, …), the event handler (Hook, Slurm, …) and also regardless of the authorization concept (Kerberos, oAuth, LDAP, …). Metadata management up to the readout of ‘hidden’ information, AI/KI integration and storage tiering (incl. tape handling) are also part of this solution. The file format does not matter.

With this solution, data can be migrated, enriched, archived, and structured – unstructured data becomes valuable because the full information content becomes usable – quickly and independently of the image through metadata management.

Tiering is optimized on premise in file, block, object or tape storage systems. Alternatively, cloud storage is also available, from the public cloud (AWS, Google, Microsoft, …) to hybrid models in German data centers, e.g. at AKQUINET in TÜV Level IV certified data centers.


Whether hardware- or software-defined, whether file/block or object storage, whether rotation, flash or tape – for every requirement we create the optimal configuration together with you.


With our strategic partners we develop servers, especially GPU servers (Intel, AMD, NVidia, Graphcore and HUAWEI) for AI/CI applications, up to US and European based high performance data centers.