MT-C S.A. from Liegé is our most important partner in DataMover NODEUM, because the whole solution is based on the enormous functionality of NODEUM. And be sure, NODEUM is more than a conventional HSM.
The Multi-Protocol Access storage solution VAST is our first choice for Hyperscale Flash Storage in AI optimized data environments as an first tier storage.
DataCore’s object storage solution SWARM is our first choice for the software-defined ‘active archive’. Independent of hardware, without own database, NODEUM certified and supported in our target markets Europe and USA.
Metainformation is a basic prerequisite for being able to use the volumes of (image) data profitably and in a targeted manner. With MetaDataHub, we are able to analyze metadata and read out “hidden” metainformation.
XINNOR’S xiRAID and xiSTORE represent the next evolutionary step in software-defined storage. We rely on XINNOR’s solutions in the HPC and AI market.